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Art & Design Alumni Annual Membership w FREE A&D PIN!

$25.00 / year

Join the Art & Design Alumni Association, and with your membership, you get a  free A&D Pin. See below for Bonus offer for the 80th Anniversary Pin!

Orders outside the USA please contact us at

Please Note: On your receipt, there will be a link to complete for Membership Information form! 

Here are some great reasons to join your Alumni Association.

1.  Give Back– Joining the alumni association is the easiest way to give back to your school.
Students want to hear from you, they want to know whats out in the world for them. An example is career day where we invite you and alumni to speak to students about your path professionally.
2Develop Connections – A few times through out the year we hold networking events to bring alumni together for an opportunity to rub shoulders,  reconnect and strengthen our community.
3Stay Informed– Stay in the know, Alumni members are always in the loop..Career opportunities which can come about via networking and events throughout the year are two of the biggest reasons to join.
4. Show Pride– Supporting your school shows pride in your education. Alumni Support is essential to keeping this pride alive.
5. Help other Students– Your alumni association is a great way to help current students. Whether through scholarship donations, activity support or awards. Your membership can bring a whole lot of good for students who are now in the position you once occupied.
6. Reunions- your Alumni association is here to help you connect with your classmates and promote your reunions via social media and our website.
Become a member of The alumni association for $25.00
Free A&D Lapel pin.
Paid member is entitled to vote when elections are held.
Paid members can become a board members and hold an office.
You are added to our database which is private and confidential
Receive email invitations to all upcoming events.
All membership renewals year to year on Jan 1st.

You recall how you felt when you started at Art & Design I do…I can recall the wonderful experiences of acceptance, Being embraced by seniors my first day in the cafeteria. The lessons learned which many are still with me today and helped to shape the various career paths navigated in my lifetime.

The diversity, the energy of our school was exciting then and still is today. We attended the High School of Art & Design a school like no other. Its only fitting to give back to a school that gave me so much.
George Alonso
Art & Design Alumni Association